A woman's body is exposed to numerous physical and hormonal changes during pregnancy.It is evident that during maternity the body changes in a drastic way and its recovery is not immediate.
However, regaining your figure after childbirth is possible thanks to a proper diet and a daily exercise plan. However, it is essential to be patient and take care of yourself from the first month of pregnancy.
We must be very aware that the changes will not be seen overnight, and that getting back in shape after childbirth is a long process that takes time to achieve good results.
Therefore, we are going to dedicate today's post to:
Accompanied by gentle exercises to regain physical fitness in a gradual and of course, healthy way.
And of course, we recommend that you put yourself in the hands of professionals like those at OrangeTheory Fitness. Here you can take a look at our personal training centers.
Take note!

During the nine months it is highly recommended to be in constant movement, either walking, practicing yoga, or with aerobic exercises. This way, once you give birth, your body will already be used to exercise and it will be easier to resume it.
During pregnancy it is logical to gain weight, although we must be clear that we must take care of ourselves from the very beginning so as not to gain more kilos than necessary. For this, our doctor will help us to control our weight during pregnancy.
This way, once the baby is born, we will lose weight more easily.
After pregnancy and childbirth, the body needs a certain period of time to return to normal. You must have patience and perseverance for the changes to come.
During pregnancy it is normal to gain between 10 and 14 kilos, of which about 6 are lost during delivery and as the body adapts to the postpartum period and the organs return to their place, another 2 or 3 kilos.
The important thing is to give your body the time it needs to get back in shape, so don't be in a hurry and just start taking care of your diet and stay active by exercising from the first month of pregnancy, unless your doctor advises you not to.
From the sixth month after delivery you can start exercising and eating a low-fat diet, always under medical supervision. By then the hormones are more stabilized and the metabolism has accelerated.
It is not recommended to diet before this period and during breastfeeding because during this period the mother spends a lot of calories, implying a weight loss in itself.
In addition, drinking water will help you eliminate toxins and speed up your metabolism, which will burn stored fat faster.
Physical activity together with a balanced diet will help you lose weight and regain your figure in a healthy and progressive way.
Let's take a look at some recommended exercise options to get you started:
Start by walking short distances, taking 30 to 40 minutes to get back into the habit of exercise. Unless your doctor advises against it, you can also ride a bike or swim.
After a week or two of cardio, you can start doing exercises that help you tone areas such as the abdomen, buttocks and thighs.
They are especially indicated to recover muscle tone, especially if the delivery was done by cesarean section. It is essential that your doctor monitors the exercises because in case of discomfort or bleeding, you have to stop the activity.
They consist of postural techniques indicated in the postpartum period to recover the pelvic floor muscles, prevent or improve the descent of the uterus and alleviate incontinence problems. The advantage of this technique is that it does not cause a descent of the pelvic musculature and abdominal organs.
As we have just said, exercising the pelvic area is very important to avoid problems in the future. The pelvic floor suffers after childbirth, as the uterus expands to accommodate the baby, so many women after giving birth begin to have incontinence problems.
Whenever possible, do it with an instructor who is familiar with the proper postpartum postures and avoid those that are contraindicated.
Lie down on the floor, stretch your arms above your head and bend your knees over your belly. Take a breath and as you expel it, lower your legs together to the right side.
Breathe in again as you bring your legs back to the starting position. Then repeat the exercise with your legs to the left.
Lie down on a mat and place your arms along the body, close to the trunk and stretch your legs. Breathe in as you raise your legs together. Exhale as you slowly lower your legs.
Lying on the floor, place your hands under your buttocks. Raise and lower your legs straight, alternately, trying not to touch the floor.
Lying on your stomach, stretch your legs and place your hands on the back of your neck. Raise your head and elbows as high as you can, without lifting your legs off the floor.
On your knees, with your elbows on the floor and your head aligned with your body so as not to hurt your neck, contract your abdominal muscles and raise one leg until your knee touches your chest.
Remember that we give you a guide with recommendations and beneficial exercises in the postpartum period, but it is about your health, so you should always do it accompanied by a professional.
Either with a nutritionist, with your doctor or gynecologist, or with a personal trainer who will guide you on what are the best options in your case.
At Orangetheory Fitness we have focused training for pregnant women, which will help you stay in shape during pregnancy, and when the time comes, we will advise you on how to get back in shape after delivery.
Click on the button below, book your free class now and discover everything we can do for you. And also, discover our gyms in Madrid, gyms in Barcelona and gyms in Murcia and try one of our classes for free. Send us a contact request and we will call you back.