If you want to start giving a boost to your health and vitality, or simply want to go a step further in your physical preparation, this article is for you. Today we can find a very heterogeneous set of different sports centers and gyms: from the 'neighborhood' centers, those of all life, to those more premium, through the low cost chains. And although we are sure that all of them offer a service up to expectations, it is important that you make sure that they meet your needs.
Whether you are just starting your physical preparation, or you are preparing for something specific, it is very necessary that you rely on professional help to achieve your results. Although there are a large number of experienced people, going from 0 to 100, despite the desire, is very dangerous and can put our health at risk.
Therefore, if you find yourself in these cases, in Orangetheory Fitness we recommend you to put yourself in the hands of professionals, as they will know how to prepare a 'suit' tailored to your particular needs, a key aspect to improve our fitness without endangering our health.
We know that a personalized training plan will allow us to improve our physical shape in an optimal way, taking care of our health, but... What variables should a training center have to be the right one?

It seems obvious, but it is not so obvious. In many centers, especially in the 'low cost' chains, there is no trainer to accompany you while you do the exercises.
In a fitness center we can create a training plan tailored to your particular needs, from the beginning, fully adapted to your goal and, most importantly, with the accompaniment of a trainer. This is a very important circumstance, since it will always adapt to your situation at all times, taking care of your health.
Another great element of sports centers with fitness training is that they have a very large and heterogeneous number of equipment, which will allow both you, when exercising, as well as your personal trainer, to have many possibilities to adapt the workouts to your particular needs. Not everyone has the conditions or is prepared to work with the same machines and equipment and that is why it is really necessary that there is some variety.
As we mentioned before, it is very important to take care of our health and personal wellbeing while training. More often than not, it happens that a person who is not used to exercise, gives it all on their first day and exceeds their personal capacity, damaging their health. For this not to happen, it is tremendously important that we adapt to a personalized plan, based on our current condition and what our markers show at each moment.
And there is no more reliable marker than heart rate; science tells us that the benefit of our training is greater when we do it based on the activity of our heart. At the same time, we will be making sure that we are not putting our health at risk. Consequently, this will also bring us better results in a shorter period of time.

In the case of Orangetheory Fitness, our way of thinking is that a personalized workout is not incompatible with being able to enjoy a group class. We are fully aware that there are days, especially in the beginning, when training is more than a punishment, and group classes help a lot to overcome laziness.
In our group classes, a trainer will lead the activity and will adapt to each person depending on their particular fitness level and condition [group or individual training?] For example, if we are in a cardio class, some people will run on the treadmill and others less advanced in their physical improvement process will practice the activity by walking.
Our coaches, beyond being just another coach, aspire to be the helping hand that helps you achieve your goals and purposes, so you can reach the best version of yourself. We will be your partner, your motivation, your guide so that you can give the best of yourself every day.
Discover our gyms in Madrid, gyms in Barcelona and gyms in Murcia and try one of our classes for free. Send us a contact request and we will call you back.