After taking the important step of starting to exercise, or motivated by a change of residence, it is time to decide which gym we choose to start or continue our passion for fitness.
And at this point, in addition to other very important variables, such as price or services, users usually take into account a key aspect: the distance from the center they are visiting. Since, in most cases, location is very important, one of the most difficult decisions is its location.
In this sense, the debate is usually centered on the following dilemma:
Many people opt to choose a center that is close to their office, as they tend to work out right before or right after work. This option offers a lot of convenience during the week, as just bringing a change bag with us will be more than enough to work out. But, consequently, on holidays or days off we will be further away from the gym, if we feel like going to train.
In parallel, the option of choosing a training center close to our home gains in importance if we are lucky enough to telecommute several days a week and if we usually go to train on holidays. If this is your case, obviously, the option you have to choose is to join a center that is close to your home.
However, at Orangetheory Fitness we think differently. We are of those who think that, paraphrasing the wise Spanish proverb, 'nunca es lejos si la dicha es buena'. Or, to put it another way, perhaps there are other variables to which we should give more weight than proximity: quality.
In fact, those gyms closest in distance are usually the 'low cost', because they have many centers, scattered throughout the length and breadth of the geography, which sometimes lack fundamental services, such as the accompaniment in the room. Also bear in mind that if you go to your center on foot or by bicycle, you will already be training. Although for many people distance can be a difficult 'wall' to overcome, there are other variables to consider in the process of choosing your center: type of advice, quality of the equipment, type of services, directed activities... and the training formula.
The best option does not necessarily have to mean being close to home. If you take into account all the variables mentioned above, you may end up choosing a center that is a little further away from your home or workplace.
In addition, if you are one of those people who value personalized attention, teamwork, and you have little time... we are your best option!
At Orangetheory Fitness we firmly believe that shared training is double training and, therefore, our method is based on one-hour training sessions, which you will do together with other people, always accompanied by our coaches.
We design all of our users' workouts with a very clear premise and a clear objective: to offer people a longer and, above all, more vibrant life. Because having fun while training is more than possible.
Discover our gyms in Madrid, gyms in Barcelona and gyms in Murcia and try one of our classes for free. Send us a contact request and we will call you back.