The reasons why we may give up physical activity are very varied, and not all of them depend on ourselves.
Occasional circumstances, due to a doctor's prescription, a specific injury or illness, maternity... These are reasonable and logical reasons why the body has gone through a period of physical inactivity.
In addition, a sedentary lifestyle leads to physical and emotional health problems, since our body is designed to move, not to remain still for hours.
We have to take into account that the more time passes without resuming physical activity, the more it will cost us to adapt, so our recommendation is to start resuming the habit step by step and with small changes in routine, so that the increase in physical exercise will be progressive.
In any case, consult your doctor or a professional when resuming physical activity, in order to avoid injury or overload.
Let's remember to start by taking small steps to get our body used to it again.
It is not advisable to return to physical activity at the same level as before, it is necessary to adapt the body and not put our health at risk.
Don't worry, because with hard work and perseverance, you will return to the same level you had, you just have to be patient and pay attention to the professionals who are helping you to get back on track.
The healthy thing to do in these cases is to start progressively, regardless of the circumstances that caused you to stop training.
The body requires a period of adaptation that we cannot skip if we want to avoid negative consequences for our organism.
Therefore, starting to train at a high intensity after a period of sedentary lifestyle is strongly discouraged.

Obviously we are not going to study case by case, since it depends on the reason for the physical inactivity, although we can list some consequences that your body may suffer, derived from a very long sedentary period:
- Metabolism slows down in the absence of exercise, just as regular sports practice accelerates it.
- Bones weaken, increasing the risk of breaks or cracks.
- Muscles lose tone and strength, a very clear example is when you have an arm or leg cast. Once the cast is removed, muscle tone is almost completely lost due to weeks of immobilization.
- Joints also lose strength.
- Regular exercise favors the development of new blood capillaries, increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to our body. If we stop exercising we lose this necessary supply.
Now, let's go to the 6 tips:
1. Start training one step at a time.
As we have already mentioned, the return must be programmed in a progressive and safe way for our body. Avoid high intensity training at the beginning.
Think that your body has temporarily lost a physical capacity that you also did not obtain in a matter of two days.
Do not try to start with very intense exercises to gain time or to shorten the process, because the result will worsen the situation and may favor injuries due to physical overexertion.
The important thing is to resume the constancy and increase as your body is ready again, always following the advice of a professional.
Start by adopting small habits that will signal to your body that movement is back, such as:
- Changing the elevator to stairs
- Walk a little further and save yourself a bus transfer
- If you can, swap the bike for the car for short distances
- Start with gentle exercise
- If your environment allows it, walk in the countryside or go hiking.
- Take advantage of everyday activities such as taking the child to school, taking the dog out or taking out the garbage to walk a little more.
2. The important role of your mind
After a period of physical inactivity, maybe your mind tells you that it will be difficult, that you won't be able to do it, that you might get hurt, etc.
It is a very important task to get your mind on your side, telling yourself that you are capable of achieving it with help, patience and perseverance.
Therefore, make motivation your best ally and start as if you were starting from scratch, without expectations. You will find that recovery comes sooner than you expected and that your body adapts to movement and exercise.
3. Realistic view
Don't set goals that you know are unrealistic and unhealthy.
As we have mentioned, your body needs this adaptation period to eventually return to the previous level. So the goals you set for yourself must be realistic and honest.
To do this, start with light activity and see how you feel as you increase the intensity, the distance you walk, etc.
Think that you are not going to recover in days or weeks what it took you months or years to achieve.
4. You are not alone in the process
A very good way to feel motivated is to exercise with a friend or family member, you both go for your goals and at your own pace, you simply accompany and motivate each other.
Think that you will also have a good time, have a few laughs and take away the importance and haste of getting back to your previous physical state.
5. Prioritize your rest
We do not give the necessary importance to rest, and it is a very important part of your physical recovery.
This way you will reach your goal more efficiently and you will be in better shape, since during sleep the body repairs the overload caused by physical exercise.
Adequate recovery after exercise, even if it is mild, is essential to meet your goal.
6. Follow a healthy diet
We cannot forget this advice.
Proper nutrition provides us with the necessary energy for our daily life, and in case you are currently in a sedentary period, it will help you feel less tired, in a better mood and not to gain weight.
Once you resume the physical activity you were doing, logically your nutritional needs will increase, so you always have to adapt your diet when it comes to feeding yourself. You do not need the same amount of calories in a sedentary period than in an active one.
In addition, a good nutritional intake is essential for basic body functions (whether you are exercising or not), such as building and repairing muscle fibers, obtaining a source of energy, etc.
As you can see, we give you a series of tips that are very simple to carry out and, above all, very coherent.
From Orangetheory Fitness we advise you to follow these guidelines if you are currently in a similar situation.
Be aware of your situation, consult a professional and develop a realistic plan to progress safely and effectively.
If this is your case, you can go to your nearest Orangetheory Fitness center and ask us for advice or click on the button below and book a free class so we can give you the best options.
We are waiting for you.